Thursday, December 15, 2005

Blogger Tools ... coming soon...

So I have finally found a few minutes to play with software. While my job does allow me to experiment a little bit with new technologies, for the most part, it's about developing business software. However, for the past couple of weeks, after the kids have gone to sleep, I have been experimenting. Since I moved my blogs from MovableType to Blogger, out of necessity, I developed a small tool for exporting my old blog entries to the new one. I am also playing with AJAX a little bit (more precisely it would be just JAX, because there is nothing Asynchronus about the XML files). In my experiements, I have developed a tool that uses the XML file and images generated by Picasa's 'Export to Web Page' feature and uses it to make a web slideshow of your images.

I hope to have these tools ready for prime-time in January and will post em' here for your review.

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