Thursday, April 29, 2004

The good and the bad of publishing your own picture book

I just received the picture books that I ordered for Mother's day from Sony's Imagestation. While I am happy with the way that they came out, I guess they weren't as good as I thought they would be.

Basically these books are hardcover bound photo albums of your digital photos where you pick the layout, background patterns, photos, and add your caption text. A 20-page book can have up to 100 photos (the available layout patterns have 1-5 photos each) and runs around $40 (but they are on sale for Mother's day.) I hope that my wife, mother, and mother-in-law like these books.

Of course, these books took two weeks to get here (I'm sure in part because of the mother's day rush) and in that time, Walt Mossberg reviewed another book publisher that was offering more attractive leather-bound books with a 50% discount - I am planning on creating one for my Grandmother's 80th Birthday with My Publisher - hopefully it will come out nicely.

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